Sunday, May 8, 2011

e pluribus unum ~ One Tribe Y'all

CoNNecTions And UniTY of SpIRIt--Grandmother Spider

  • Spiders are light, delicate and not hostile to humans unless threatened. To those who require this special of the spider, it teaches us to maintain a gentle and kind nature.

  • A poisonous spider signifies death and rebirth. As the poison of age and life's perils threaten our life, we use the venom to ward off future attacks or die.

  • The spider's web connects itself by silky threads to physical objects creating a net creating its home and place for harvesting food. The web reminds us of our connectedness to all things on earth - that we are related to everything in creation. The spokes of the web remind us to build links between ourselves and the Creator and all things.

  • When the spider appears, it is a sign to connect with the ways of spirit in the ways designed by the Creator.

  • The eight legs of the spider are unique from other insects who have only six legs. And unlike other insects, their bodies are divided into two parts instead of three. Two represents unity and a union of polarities.

  • In American Indian tradition, the first dream catcher was made by Grandmother Spider to catch the bad dreams of children. This legend reveals our belief that negative elements of ones life may be screened out if we remember to keep the links between the Creator and ourselves strong and to always remember that all things in creation are one.

Sunday, April 24, 2011


Everything on Earth is Alive.
Everything on Earth has Purpose.
Everything on Earth is Connected.
Everything on Earth is to be Embraced~

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

6 DeEr StOod In NoRa's yArD

A Deer is an animal of love, tenderness,and swiftness. There is an old story about
the animal kingdom wanting to get into heaven to see the Almighty God.
At a council meeting all the animals stood up to tell why they would be the most appropriate one
to get to the kingdom of God. The Bear stood up and said,
" I, Bear , who is the strongest bravest creature will go to see the Creator".
Upon the road to the Creator stood a big , nasty, monster.
The bear took one look and ran back to the animal kingdom to tell of the nasty, monster.
The Eagle Screeched, "I will fly over the monster to get to see the Creator". Off went the eagle.
He flew higher and higher and got closer to the kingdom of the Creator than any other animal before.
He started to screech a prayer. "Almighty Great Creator, I so would like to see You".
The Almighty Creator said, "It is true you are the best at reaching high enough to talk to me,
but a messenger is all you will be. Tell the rest of the animals that they have to go through the red road of truth to find me".
The eagle said to The Almighty Creator," But there is a monster in the way , how can we cross?
The Almighty said no further. The eagle went back and told all the animals of what the Almighty had said to him.
and all the animals started to fight and argue.
The Deer hearing such a roar jumped so high he landed right in front of the nasty monster.
The deer looked into the eyes of the monster and stared.
The monster looked deep into the deer's eyes and saw
love, warmth and tenderness, and upon seeing that the monster melted away.
And so the deer was the first to go through the red road of truth to see the Almighty.

Monday, April 18, 2011

THiS MoRnIng, Raven startled me UP

Raven offers Magical Ability. You can become the magician in your own life, creating the Life that you want most, and thee Life you were meant to have. We each have an inner magician available to us but with Raven, the ability is enhanced and is always available to you. Out of any darkness in your life, Raven gives you the ability to bring Light. With Raven, you can take a Wish or a Dream that is still unformed and give to it the Shape and Form you DESIRE...

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

3 AniMals iN mY DiReCt Presence,,,

Wisdom, truth, patience.
The Mescalero believe that Owl carries the
souls of the recently deceased, a death messenger.
Owl is the totem of clairvoyants and mystics.

Divine spirit, chief of all the creatures in the air,
the primary servant of the sun. Powerful in battle,
the eagle protects the people from evil.
Eagle medicine attributes
include clear vision and soaring spirit.
The eagle is associated with success,
prosperity and wealth. In the Zuni Tradition,
the Eagle symbolizes the direction Up.

Loyalty, success, perseverance, stability and thought.
Wolves are also regarded as path finders and teachers.
Wolf is represented by the constellation Sirius, the Dog.
In the Zuni tradition the Wolf symbolizes the direction East.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

JaH...: LoVe is LiKe the OPen SeA~Wish YoU wEre HeRe With Me... sinCe You bEeN gOne AwaY i tHink aBout You eVeryDaY. . .

Sunday, April 3, 2011

LaMb oF TrUtH

"Don't ask yourself what the world needs; ask yourself what makes you come alive. And then go and do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive."

- Harold Whitman/RS