Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Sunday, May 8, 2011
CoNNecTions And UniTY of SpIRIt--Grandmother Spider
Spiders are light, delicate and not hostile to humans unless threatened. To those who require this special of the spider, it teaches us to maintain a gentle and kind nature.
A poisonous spider signifies death and rebirth. As the poison of age and life's perils threaten our life, we use the venom to ward off future attacks or die.
The spider's web connects itself by silky threads to physical objects creating a net creating its home and place for harvesting food. The web reminds us of our connectedness to all things on earth - that we are related to everything in creation. The spokes of the web remind us to build links between ourselves and the Creator and all things.
When the spider appears, it is a sign to connect with the ways of spirit in the ways designed by the Creator.
The eight legs of the spider are unique from other insects who have only six legs. And unlike other insects, their bodies are divided into two parts instead of three. Two represents unity and a union of polarities.
In American Indian tradition, the first dream catcher was made by Grandmother Spider to catch the bad dreams of children. This legend reveals our belief that negative elements of ones life may be screened out if we remember to keep the links between the Creator and ourselves strong and to always remember that all things in creation are one.